After a brief break, Spittoon Monthly is once again accepting submissions! And we are proud to introduce a new look, refined mission, and enhanced content.

The next deadline is coming very quick: April 1st. Submissions will be considered for our June feature.

We are looking for English-language writing from or about Asia, continuing Spittoon’s mission of bringing Chinese writing to Western audiences, but extending that to support a more diverse pool of writers.

Furthermore, we at Spittoon Monthly have an itch for the unscratchable—we have removed genre distinctions from our submissions process. Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, experiments, and everything in between are welcome. Regardless of genre or form, send us something vibrant.

Our featured writers will receive a little special treatment to help them better connect with readers. With every feature, we will pair a brief author interview, a supportive creative analysis of their work, and a custom illustrative collage.

Please submit through the form on our Spittoon Monthly submissions page, where you can also find all of the submission details and requirements.

Wishing our readers and writers across all countries and borders health and solidarity in the days of COVID-19. May literature be a source of strength for you.